Saturday, 12 July 2014

Bluetooth Digital PEN: How it works

* When one writes or draws on a standard paper form, the pen's camera captures, stores and saves all handwritten information as snapshots and coordinates. 

* These snapshots are uploaded to the host server via Bluetooth pairing the digital pen to a compatible mobile or via a USB docking station connected to a PC. 

* The information collected by the pen is converted into PDF format and integrated into database & workflow system. 

* The PC uses the internet to connect to the server while the mobile phone acts like a modem, sending the pen's captured electronic data. 

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

AirMouse: Next Generation Computer Interaction

AirMouse: Next Generation Computer Interaction 
The founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, spoke some now famous words when he stated that touchscreens will never be a good fit for regular desktop screens. They are just too oddly placed to utilize this feature no matter how you implement it. Some people disagree with him and still venture out looking for a solution that will incorporate the touch controls into our regular screens. Of course it’s highly unlikely that we will see this new breed of screens on the market, at least if you look at how it would be implemented.

Some people have said that we’re on the edge of finding new ways to interact with our computer, and that it has nothing to do with any device that is attached or otherwise connected to the gadget we are trying to control. It will simply be a kind of visual interaction that is way more accurate than the Kinect for example. What in the world could this device be and when will we get to take a look at it? Some developers are trying to answer that question by giving us a little peek into what they have developed so far.

The solution seems to come from Mad Design Labs and is pretty much based on air. Well, not exactly, but since it’s called the AirMouse, it is exactly what you think of when you first hear about it. There have been a million and one attempts to replicate the Minority Report computer interface since the movie was introduced in 2002, but few have been able to pull it off in an efficient enough way to make it a long term solution.

The world is in desperate need of a new solution so that we can once and for all get rid of the mouse, the one gadget that has injured more people than American football probably has. The AirMouse was first introduced back in 2010, but it has just recently gotten some traction. It’s basically a glove that you put on which interacts with the computer and enables you to move and work just like you usually would with a mouse, but in mid air. This solution is way less likely to strain your wrists, so it is a better choice for many people who haven’t been able to use a computer since they were injured. 

Is this the future of computer interaction? Well, I guess that is all up to us users to decide. What do you think?

16M Color Scribble Pen : Capture the Hue of Any Object

16M Color Scribble Pen : Capture the Hue of Any Object

The "Scribble" pen is being marketed as an implement that goes far beyond the standard black and blue ink that most current pens are limited to. Thanks to a 16-bit RGB color sensor inside the pen, Scribble can write in any color your heart desires.

In fact, you can even replicate colors you see in your everyday life, colors that Crayola has not come up with a name for even in its famed 64-packs. Are you a fan of a certain shade of lipstick? Perhaps you're looking for the shade of green that is only found on dollar bills. Simply hold Scribble up to these colors and scan it in. The result will be a specific color "stored" on your implement, resulting in an identically-colored ink. 

Have you ever felt limited by the colors contained inside a box of Crayons?

Imagine, instead of being forced to resort to "Forest Green" for the grass in your next masterpiece, you could take Photoshop's "eyedropper" tool to extract the color from a single, blade of grass and turn that color into ink.
Scribble is a new device that lets you do just that. The pen matches hues from the world around you and transfers them onto paper or a mobile device. For the latter, the tool works in conjunction with a stylus and a mobile app to sync the colors that attract you onto your phone or tablet. Pretty cool.

The pen is armed with a 16-bit RGB color sensor that stores the colors you tell it to. Hold the device up to your friend's gorgeous blonde hair, a vibrant flower or the pizza crust on your plate and Scribble will analyze the color and reproduce it with ink from its refillable cartridges.

Say, for example, you were enticed by the bright, pungent orange sitting on your countertop. You'd start by simply holding your Scribble pen up to the fruit.

Then, after the pen analyzed the specific orange of this particular orange, you could take the tint to paper.

Both the ink pen and and the stylus are a little more than six inches, rely on bluetooth wireless technology and have a rechargeable battery.

Until now, the closest you've even gotten to this magical resource of color concoction was probably through something similar to Bic's assorted ball point.

Scribble, of course, offers more options than Bic's royal blue for when you want to draw the sky. The only limitation here, it seems, is your imagination.

The pen retails for just under $150 and the stylus -- for digital use -- under $80. 

Whats your view about such technology towards creativity....????

How to untag yourself from multiple photos on Facebook?

Got tagged in some Facebook photos un-necessary or any holiday so people usually upload the photo and tag the people for wishing. and now you are getting annoying notification after every second. so here we have a quick way for  untag yourself from multiple photos on Facebook.

How to untag yourself from multiple photos on Facebook?

Step 1: Login with your Facebook account and go to your profile.

Step 2:  Now on Facebook banner right bottom click on Activity Log.

Step 3: Now check all the photos you want to untag yourself.

Step 4: Once you select the photos you want to untag on the top right, click on the button “Report/Remove Tag”.

Step 5: In the dialog box choose either just want to untag yourself or untag and report the photo.

Step 6: And final click on untag photos button.

So this is quit simple process How you can  untag yourself from multiple photos on Facebook!!!