Saturday, 29 March 2014

Benefits of drinking water early in the morning

Benefits of drinking water early in the morning

Drinking water in empty stomach in the morning can be immensely beneficial for the body

We tend to complicate things when it comes to taking care of our health. A few simple steps can go a long way in taking care of our health, and one easy way of ensuring it is by drinking sufficient water in empty stomach first thing in the morning. Not only does it clear your stomach, it goes a long way in reducing the risk of a number of diseases. Firstly, it purifies the colon and it improves the stomach's chances to absorb nutrients properly. A better digestive system automatically takes care of a lot of other things. It is also one of the secrets behind a glowing skin, as water removes the toxins from the blood. Drinking water also improves the creation of new blood cells as well as muscle cells, and helps you in losing weight.

Also, make sure not to eat anything for a while after you drink water in the morning. This water treatment therapy has no side effects and boosts your metabolism greatly. About four glasses of water (one litre) on an average daily would be great. If it feels too much in the beginning, you can start off slowly and then gradually increase the intake

Friday, 28 March 2014

Future Technology Trends: 2015

Future Technology Trends: 2015

There are many interesting projects to look for next year, but I will focus on things that are of great importance to us, things that we use in our daily life, things that could change our life for the better in the years to come

Everything is denser

Glass’s Law states that “for every 25 percent increase in functionality of a system, there is a 100 percent increase in the complexity of that system”, so according to today’s pace of advancement in technology, we’ll be facing more technology packed into the same (or less) space. This means that we’ll have faster and thinner smartphones and tablets, larger storage capacities packed in smaller hardware cases and thinner TVs with higher resolutions.

Better security

Apple opened a door in the security domain, and most companies will probably follow this trend. Samsung already decided to implement a similar security feature in their Galaxy S5 and I expect this technology to be present in many gadgets that will be released next year. People love it, and where there is a demand, large companies will surely supply. So, in 2015 we’ll probably see the tablets, keylocks, storage units and other devices using this technology.

Better battery life

Lately, I read all kind of discoveries in the fuel cells field. Scientists are looking for alternative ways to create batteries, and if 2015′s batteries will feature at least some of these technologies, we can expect electronic devices with longer usage time. Also, better batteries will bring us cars with longer autonomy. Smartphones have an important role in our life, and 2015 will probably bring a new wave of devices that will last from 3 to 10 days per single charge.

3D printing in your home

I just read an article that HP is planning a mainstream 3D printer that’s affordable and faster than current similar devices. 2015 could be the year when we’ll be able to buy a 3d printer at a reasonable price so we can design and print our own smartphone cases, plastic cars parts, masks and maquettes

Quantum computing, nano computers

This technology will mark a new era in security, surgery and in robotics, allowing for more complex algorithms and faster responses. Also, quantum computing could help the development of the first real time speech-to-speech translation.

Wearable gadgets

This trend is not new, but I can’t say that it was really embraced by the customers (so far). Now, Google announced their own smartwatch, so you know it is not something that will soon fade away. In the upcoming year, I expect smartwatches that will be more than an extension to your smartphone, but rather smartwatches that will be all-in-one gadgets. Also, we may see smart bracelets and smart glasses on the shelves.

The age of electric and auto pilot cars begins now

Seeing some of the cars exhibited at Geneva Motor Show, I understood that the future is all about electric cars and auto pilot cars. Although most of these projects were just teasing the technology, car manufacturers like Tesla Motors went the extra mile and they have created an appealing vehicle, the Tesla Model S, that will draw customers’ attention. Also, just like Google’s auto pilot car project, Tesla promised to release a self-driving vehicle by 2016.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Blood test may help predict whether a child

will become obese

Scientists have found that a simple blood test, which can read DNA, could be used to predict obesity levels in children. Researchers used the test to assess the levels of epigenetic switches in the PGC1a gene - a gene that regulates fat storage in the body. Epigenetic switches take place through a chemical change called DNA methylation, which controls how genes work and is set during early life. The test, when carried out on children at five years old, differentiates between children with a high body fat and those with a low body fat when they were older

Scientists have found that a simple blood test, which can read DNA, could be used to predict obesity levels in children. Researchers at the Universities of Southampton, Exeter and Plymouth used the test to assess the levels of epigenetic switches in the PGC1a gene -- a gene that regulates fat storage in the body.

Epigenetic switches take place through a chemical change called DNA methylation, which controls how genes work and is set during early life.

The Southampton team found that the test, when carried out on children at five years old, differentiates between children with a high body fat and those with a low body fat when they were older. Results showed that a rise in DNA methylation levels of 10 per cent at five years was associated with up to 12 per cent more body fat at 14 years. Results were independent of the child's gender, their amount of physical activity and their timing of puberty.

Dr Graham Burdge, of the University of Southampton who led the study with colleague Dr Karen Lillycrop, comments: "It can be difficult to predict when children are very young, which children will put on weight or become obese.. It is important to know which children are at risk because help, such as suggestions about their diet, can be offered early and before they start to gain weight.
"The results of our study provide further evidence that being overweight or obese in childhood is not just due to lifestyle, but may also involve important basic processes that control our genes. We hope that this knowledge will help us to develop and test new ways to prevent children developing obesity which can be introduced before a child starts to gain excess weight. However, our findings now need to be tested in larger groups of children."

The study, which also involved Professor Terence Wilkin at the University of Exeter and Dr Joanne Hosking at the University of Plymouth, is published in the journal Diabetes. The researchers used DNA samples from 40 children who took part in the EarlyBird project, which studied 300 children in Plymouth from the age of five until they were 14 years old.
Led by Professor Wilkin, the study assessed the children in Plymouth each year for factors related to type 2 diabetes, such as the amount of exercise they undertook and the amount of fat in their body. A blood sample was collected and stored. The Southampton team extracted DNA from these blood samples to test for epigenetic switches.

Professor Wilkin says: "The EarlyBird study has already provided important information about the causes of obesity in children. Now samples stored during the study have provided clues about the role of fundamental processes that affect how genes work, over which a child has no control. This has shown that these mechanisms can affect their health during childhood and as adults

Most interesting facts to know

1. Lusail is a future city of Qatar, will host the final of football world cup 2022

An artist illustration of Lusail City stadium, designed for the Qatar 2022 World Cup final

2.Arnold Schwarzenegger-the terminator is also a politician who had been appointed as Governor of Califonia twice.

3.Look at this fact and imagine the total number of ants on the earth.One can't imagine.

4.If you are in sports ,you can't have a better resume than him.After all this,he chose to be a cricketer.

5.His name is John Carpenter and there are no words to desribe this act.

6.Outside Chengdu, in central China, a 78 million square foot site has been determined for an unconventional sort of construction project. It will be a city built from scratch, for 80,000 people, none of whom will need a car to get around.5.I hope there can be more cities build like this one in the future.

7.They would have better made twenty eight more titanic ships!

8.We all face the traffic problem during our exams and our government doesn't take any precautions.they can learn from Korea.

9.You must have noticed this.

Eating peaches may slow breast cancer growth and spread

Compounds in peaches can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells and their ability to spread, scientists have found.
Researchers from Washington State University and Texas A&M said the compounds could be a novel addition to therapies that reduce the risk of metastasis, the primary killer in breast and many other cancers.
The compounds could be given as an extract or, judging from the doses given to mice in the study, two to three peaches a day.
“I would do three peaches a day,” said Giuliana Noratto, WSU assistant professor of food science.
The study also underscores the value of good nutrition in preventing cancer, she said.
“Having enough fruits and vegetables that can provide these compounds in our diet, we might have a similar preventive effect,” said Noratto.
In 2009, Noratto and her colleagues at Texas A&M published a study showing that peach and plum extracts suppressed breast cancer cells cultured in petri dishes.
For the new study, the researchers implanted breast cancers cells beneath the skin of mice. The technique, called a xenograft, is often used to look at the growth of breast cancer cells in a living animal, mimicking the interactions by which tumours form and progress.
After giving the cells a week to establish, the researchers fed the mice varying doses of peach polyphenols, compounds that help plants ward off the damaging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.
“There are several studies showing that these compounds act as antioxidants and can therefore protect DNA against damage that can produce cancer,” said Noratto.
Other researchers have seen the phenomenon, Noratto said, but she and her colleagues wanted to know if the compounds might start a cascade of signals that could induce the cancer cells to commit suicide.
“We didn’t even think about metastasis at that time. The surprise was we analysed lungs and beside the fact that the peach compounds inhibited the growth of the tumour, they also inhibited the metastasis levels on the lungs,” Noratto said.
Moreover, after 12 days the researchers saw that mice fed with high levels of polyphenols had tumours that grew less and without much of the blood vessel formation that can help cancer cells spread to other parts of the body.
The tumours in those mice also had less evidence of enzymes involved in the spread and invasion of cancer.
The doses given to mice, if scaled up to a 60-kg person, could be supplied by two to three peaches a day or a dietary supplement of peach polyphenol extract powder.

The study was published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

Bouncing Back From Disappointment

Life isn’t fair. You can’t always get what you want. Even though you know this, disappointment hurts anyway. 

You can’t think yourself into feeling better. The shift has to be made emotionally. Hopefully, you will be able to shift to feeling gratitude or happiness after a setback. Most likely, you’ll start with acceptance. From here, you might consider if your expectations were realistic and if there are any lessons to remember. But first you have to shake off your sadness, regret, frustration, and disillusionment. Here’s how.

Force a smile, even a laugh, to trigger the emotional shifting process. Forced smiles and laughter release the neurochemicals that will make you feel better faster.

Move your body. Complex movement (not repetitive actions like running) can lift you out of an emotional rut. Engage in a sport, practice a martial art or yoga, or take a spirited exercise class to shake the bad feelings off your back.

Identify the values that were compromised. Recall a time when your life was flowing and you felt light, alive, and fulfilled. Name five things you had or were doing that helped you feel this way. These five things represent what is most important to you and what you need to feel happy. What could you do now that demonstrates you are doing your best to have these values become a strong part of your daily life? Set some values-based goals you can start working on today
Make time to reflect on what you are grateful for in the moment. 
First, list three small things that happened today that you are grateful for, such as finding a short line at the post office, brewing a perfect cup of coffee, seeing your pet’s dreamy eyes, or having a smooth ride into work. Once you open your heart with gratitude, look to see what you are grateful for in the situation where things didn’t turn out as you had hoped. For example, even though you lost a contract, you now have time to finish something important to you. Even though you got a speeding ticket on the way to work, you realize the slower drive in leaves you feeling less stressed. Even though your child failed math, notice what other talents and passions he or she has. Focus on the gifts not the losses.

Reward yourself for riding the waves. Make a list of everything that brings you joy that you could put your hands on or do in a fairly short time. Do you love fresh flowers? Do you have a friend you can call who makes you smile? Do you have a favorite book or YouTube video? Make the list and then write each item on a single strip of paper. Put the papers in a jar. When you have a setback, pull a strip from your Jar of Joy and do what it says no matter how bad you feel. Go buy a flower. Call your friend. Watch that video. You'll bounce back in no time.

Lift your spirits in the places that cause the most stress. Keep cartoons, family or vacation photos, and small toys near your desk or in the car for stressful moments. Have some way to listen to your favorite music even at work. Photos, toys, and music that make you smile are essentials in your first aid kit.

Practice seeing the funny side of life. Each evening for a week, watch a funny movie, read only comics in the paper, seek out funny people, and try to find the humor in the mundane. This will increase your creativity. You might change your mind for life.

The shift can take time. You might have to grieve the loss of friends, jobs, health, or dreams

Why we eat, even when we're not hungry?

Why we eat, even when we're not hungry?  

If you’re like most people in our culture, you don’t just eat when you’re hungry and you don't stop when you’re full. We have the luxury of living in a land of food abundance, but it comes at a price.

Psychologist Kelly Brownell, dean of the school of public policy at Duke University and formerly the director of Yale’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, refers to the United States as a “toxic food environment.” What he means is that everywhere we turn, low-cost, high-calorie foods tempt us. And there is a massive marketing machine behind these foods—powered in part by psychologists and other scientists who know exactly the most powerful way to display things, use the power of scent, and create the most attractive images.

Combine this abundance with stress, loneliness, the need to unwind, and other modern concerns, and you may find yourself living in an unhealthy pattern. Typically, these feelings combine with an automatic negative way of thinking and result in overeating or unnecessary snacking.

3 Common Reasons We Eat When We’re Not Hungry


Do you find yourself walking in after a hard day’s work and heading straight to the fridge or the snack cupboard? Are you actually hungry? Is food the solution to feeling stressed and needing to unwind? Consider a more targeted alternative solution, maybe involving a quick walk around the block before walking in the door. Or maybe changing into more comfortable clothes would feel good. Or listening to relaxing music instead of the news would help you make the transition from work to commute to home without it ending in overeating or snacking.


Along with the end of your day, weekends, or any other times you find yourself alone, are other high-risk times for snacking or overeating. Are you actually hungry? Is food the solution to your feelings of isolation? Connecting with friends or joining clubs, classes, or other activities are probably a better fit for this need than filling the void with food. When you’re feeling lonely, consider all the things you could do to help you feel more connected to friends and family, in person or via phone, email, or social media. There are myriad ways to end that feeling of isolation. Food won't do it.


Do you find yourself rummaging around the kitchen and snacking when you have nothing else to do? Are you actually hungry? Is food the solution to the problem when you can’t find something that interests you? Consider hobbies that you used to find enjoyable. Consider things you’ve never tried but have sparked your imagination. When you’re bored, finding ways to engage your interest and imagination is the solution. This is what you are actually craving. If you take some time to consider other options, before you get bored, you'll have a ready set of potential solutions that won’t involve food.

The bottom line: Ask yourself, What am I really hungry for? If it’s not food, then it’s time to start finding some real and effective alternatives.

Benefits Of Betel Leaves..

Health Benefits Of Betel Leaves..


If you suffer fromdehydration, have betel leaves. It is a natural diuretic which if consumed withdiluted milk can treat water retention in the body.

Antioxidants: Betel leaves benefits the health asit removes free radicals from the body which are harmful.

As betel leaves are a diuretic, it helps treatconstipation by easing out the stool passage.

Betel leaves are good for oral care as it stopsbleeding in the gums. Mash boiled betel leaves and apply on the bleeding gum.

Painful pimples, arthritis etc can lead toinflammation. Applying betel leaves can help reduce inflammation naturally.

Boiled betel leaves water can be a great homeremedy for treating cough. Betel leaves also benefits the health of people whosuffer from respiratory problems.

Betel leaves have anti-diabetic properties whichmakes it an excellent home remedy to control diabetes. 

Applying betel leaves paste on the wounds heals itwithin 3-4 days. It also reduces the pain and inflammation.

Massaging your back with betel leaves that is mixedwith some oil will fight lower back pain.

This is one of the health benefits of betel leaves.Applying betel leaves externally reduces headache with its cooling properties.

chewing fresh betel leaves helps them quit smoking.

Betel leaves juice with honey is a natural tonicthat is used for treating nervous pains, nervous exhaustion and debility.

Betel leaves paste is good for skin care. It treatsacne and scars from the skin naturally.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Touchscreen gloves

Mujjo’s mitts: This company’s taking touchscreen gloves to the next level

Picture the scene. You’re walking down an icy-cold thoroughfare, something akin to Hurricane Harry is swirling around you, then you feel that familiar buzz in your pocket. What do you do? Do you answer the call, and surrender your hands to frost bite? Or do you find a bus shelter to seek some respite from the elements? You could always get yourself some gloves too.

Yes, it may be a first-world dilemma, but it’s a dilemma nonetheless. A quick peruse around your local convenience store may reveal a slew of cheap, touchscreen-compatible gloves – and yes, they work great. But Netherlands-based company Mujjo is going all-out to cater for this market, with a range of premium (AKA ‘not cheap’) gloves geared towards the touchscreen-addled generation.

We’ve previously looked at Mujjo’s range of slick felt and leather cases for iPhones, iPads and Macs, though the company is traditionally better-known for its mobile-centric mitt-warmers. And with winter still strutting its stuff across the northern hemisphere, we thought we’d take a closer look at its latest offerings.

Costing €29.95, the double-layered touchscreen gloves pretty much do exactly what they say on the box. Mujjo developed these mitts in direct response to requests from customers in places such as Canada, Norway and Russia, and they essentially provide double the insulation of its other cheaper gloves.

This additional layer is made out of wool, and serves as extra insulation. The palm-side of the glove, however, features rubber-like dots which is a nice touch, if you’ll pardon the pun, given that this works well for gripping things, such as handlebars or a steering wheel. As with the leather crochet affairs, these sport a fastener across the wrist too, though only one button.

What Happens in One Minute Around the World?

What Happens in One Minute Around the World?

A minute is a funny amount of time. It’s long enough to notice—reading this article will take just about a minute—but it’s too short to do much of anything with. There are famously only about five hundred thousand of them in a year. 

But when you add all of humanity together, a lot starts to happen in that lowly minute. Here at The Atlantic, we did some calculations and consulted research, and—as you’ll see in the video above—a minute of life on Earth is almost unbelievably full of life. Before the second hand of a clock completes one rotation:

25 Americans will get a passport, according to the U.S. Department of State.

58 airplanes will take off around the world, according to the International Air Traffic Association.

116 people will get married, according to data from the United Nations and some Excel handiwork. 

144 people will move to a new home, according to Gallup.

11,319 packages will be delivered by UPS, according to UPS. 

83,300 people will have sex, according to the (offline) Atlas of Human Sexual Behavior.

243,000 photos will be uploaded to Facebook, according to Facebook.

5,441,400 pounds of garbage will be created, according to the World Bank.

136,824,00 pounds of carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere as a byproduct of burning fossil fuels, according to the CIA World Factbook.

7,150,000,000 human hearts (according to the United States Census Bureau) will beat…

500,500,000,000 times, according to the American Heart Association, as their bodies create…

858,282,240,000,000,000 new red blood cells, according to the National Institutes of Health.

This Is the Power Glove Oven Mitt You Want To Buy

This Is the Power Glove Oven Mitt You Want To Buy
About a year ago we brought news of a Power Glove themed oven mitt that had anyone who grew up playing the NES excited to do some baking. But that version was made of heatproof fabric and while it looked convincing enough, it can't hold a candle-or a hot tray of cookies-to this amazingly detailed silicone Power Glove oven mitt.

Just look at this thing. You get individual flexible fingers, fake cabling, and the wrist-mounted controller which does nothing but look badass here. It of course also lets you handle hot metal pots and baking sheets with ease, and it's completely waterproof which means there's no reason you can't wear this 24/7.

The only catch is that it's currently being crowdfunded on Indiegogo, so if it doesn't reach its funding goal of $18,000, no one will be able to get one. So let's all chip in the requisite $39 to get one (right-handed only for now) so that our time spent in the kitchen can be just a little more awesome. Now you're baking with power.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Smart skin - Electronics that stick and stretch like a temporary tattoo

Smart skin: Electronics that stick and stretch like a temporary tattoo 

Electronic Stick-On Tattoos Track Body Functions
This ultrathin, self-adhesive electronic ‘tattoo’ could monitor heart rates, brain waves and muscle activity using little to no power, and it’s so unobtrusive the wearer will hardly notice it.

Engineers have developed a device platform that combines electronic components for sensing, medical diagnostics, communications and human-machine interfaces, all on an ultrathin skin-like patch that mounts directly onto the skin with the ease, flexibility and comfort of a temporary tattoo.

Led by researcher John A. Rogers, the Lee J. Flory-Founder professor of engineering at the University of Illinois, the researchers described their novel skin-mounted electronics in the Aug. 12 issue of the journal Science.

The circuit bends, wrinkles, and stretches with the mechanical properties of skin. The researchers demonstrated their concept through a diverse array of electronic components mounted on a thin, rubbery substrate, including sensors, LEDs, transistors, radio frequency capacitors, wireless antennas, and conductive coils and solar cells for power.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Virus can infect Wi-Fi Networks

Virus can infect Wi-Fi Networks

The researchers have recently created a Wi-Fi virus that can spread through populated areas like the common cold can spread between humans. The experts designed and simulated an attack by a virus dubbed “Chameleon”.

It turned out that the virus spread quickly between homes and businesses, but couldn’t avoid detection and identify the points at which Wi-Fi access is least protected by encryption and passwords.


Although this Wi-Fi attack was only a computer simulation, the researchers found that their virus behaved just like an airborne virus. They believe that it may have the following explanation: since areas that are more densely populated have more APs in closer proximity to each other, the Chameleon propagated more quickly, especially across networks connectable within a 10-50 meter distance.

The researchers pointed out that when “Chameleon” attacked an AP the virus didn’t affect how it worked, but could collect and report the credentials of all other Wi-Fi users connected to it.

Chameleon then used this information to connect to and infect other users. If an AP was encrypted and password protected, Chameleon just moved on to find the APs that weren’t strongly protected. Of course, coffee shops and airports turned out to be hotbeds of infection.

The researchers admitted it was earlier assumed that it‘s impossible to develop a virus able to attack Wi-Fi networks. However, this experiment showed that it’s actually possible and such virus, if created in real life, will spread very quickly and harm lots of Internet users.

A Shoe That Charges our Mobile Phones

A Shoe That Charges our Mobile Phones

An Indian boy, by the name of Rajesh Adhikari, of Nainital, Uttarakhand has developed a shoe that charges amobile phone as you walk. The idea first struck him when he noticed the problems that the citizens of Nainital had to face due to the heavy snowfalls that were constantly occurring in his hometown. These snowfalls led to widespread power cuts in the city for long hours. Apparently, it was these circumstances that inspired him to create a waterproof charger for such situations. This inspiration led to the development of a shoe cum mobile charger.

According to Rajesh, the energy generated out of the shoe when a person walks is what provides energy to charge the mobile phones. He also explained that whilst wearing the device, when we raise our feet, thespring in the device gets released and a dynamo starts revolving which leads to the generation of current. The device has multiple uses and can also be used to light a bulb at home in case of a blackout. This can be done by installing a battery in the shoe. Adhikari is currently working on further modification on his current model and plans to develop a wireless mobile phone charger to increase the utility of the shoe.

Not to be left behind, a number of other young Indian entrepreneurs have also been making some amazing progress. Threeengineering students from Bangalore have started a free voice calling service calledFreeKall. The service enables users to make domestic and international calls, for free. It earns money by providing 10 second voice advertisements to callers and aims to earn nearly $30 million in revenue by the end of the next financial year. Angad Daryani, a 15 year old dropout, is believed to have built a 3D printerusing Do It Yourself kits. Angad has been crazy for technology from a very young age. It seems the young generation of India is making a lot of progress in the field of technology. What do you think? Suggests in your comments below.

A Shape Changing PHONE !!!

A Shape Changing PHONE !!!

Scientists are developing smartphones that can be quickly transformed into the shape of an armband, a phone or a tablet to suit your needs. Researchers at Hasselt University in Belgium have developed a prototype phone called the Paddle, a gadget that can be changed physically into different shapes.
The phone is inspired by Rubik's Magic Puzzle, a device that consists eight square tiles that can be flipped and unfolded to form a variety of shapes.
"At the moment our Paddle prototype supports around 15 different shapes but this number increases every day as we are including more and more shapes of the original Rubik's Magic Puzzle," Raf Ramakers, a PhD student in human computer interaction at the university said.
"When unfolding Paddle completely it is nearly the size of an iPad, but when folding it up, it can become smaller than an iPhone," said Ramakers.
The device can be transformed into a book, whose pages you can leaf through to read. Users who need to scroll through a list can simply turn the phone into a bracelet and roll through individual links to scroll through various list items. The device can be turned into an armband when a user needs to go for a jog. Paddle uses a tracking system and a projector. The tracking system consists of eight infrared cameras that capture light reflected off small infrared reflective markers.