Back Pain Natural Remedies~
A very common problem from ages in man-kind is the pain in the lowerback referred as back pain It can be due to poor postural habits, strains, andalso muscle tension. It is also very common in pregnant woman due to thestretching of ligaments around uterus. Here are some remedies for the lowerback pain.
1.Keep one warm and eat only hot items incase of a chronic back pain.
2.Garlic should be included in diet on regular basis.
3. Tulsi is the best medicine. Boil tulsi in wateruntil the syrup is reduced to half of actual size and add salt after cooling.
4. Massage with eucalyptus and mustard oil is veryfavorable for severe back aches
5. Half a tea spoon of jaggery is very effectivemedicine that can be eaten with warm water after meals only.
6. Cardamom with honey shows the best results attimes of back ache.
7. Massage with any ointment will be useful
8. Take a cloth or jute bag full of ice. Now startmassaging with that back. It helps to reduce the inflammation in the back.
9. Sleeping on firm mattresses facing to theceiling helps to have proper blood flow and there by reducing the aches.
10. Exercise is the best way to keep fit from alltypes of ache.
1.Keep one warm and eat only hot items incase of a chronic back pain.
2.Garlic should be included in diet on regular basis.
3. Tulsi is the best medicine. Boil tulsi in wateruntil the syrup is reduced to half of actual size and add salt after cooling.
4. Massage with eucalyptus and mustard oil is veryfavorable for severe back aches
5. Half a tea spoon of jaggery is very effectivemedicine that can be eaten with warm water after meals only.
6. Cardamom with honey shows the best results attimes of back ache.
7. Massage with any ointment will be useful
8. Take a cloth or jute bag full of ice. Now startmassaging with that back. It helps to reduce the inflammation in the back.
9. Sleeping on firm mattresses facing to theceiling helps to have proper blood flow and there by reducing the aches.
10. Exercise is the best way to keep fit from alltypes of ache.
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