Friday, 28 February 2014

FreeOnline Courses To Learn Electronics

8 Awesome FreeOnline Courses To Learn Electronics
Want to take a course and be a pro in an electronics related field? Hereyou go... These courses on Electronics will help you achieve your goal. Thelist includes courses from MIT and IITs as well. And yes, they are all free andaccessible to all! So pack your bags and get going!


Thewebsite provides detailed knowledge on quite a few subjects related toelectronics for free, as it believes that 'education doesn't have to beexpensive'. It also stores some DIY kits for electronics, robotics, et al.That's not all! It also incorporates courses on some programming languages.


Wantto build your own electronics projects? Heard of the Arduino? Resistors? andTransistors? The website explains all of these things to you! The videos here(each less than 10 minutes long) are meant to be watched while you actuallybuild and do the electronics experiments described. So to get started, purchasethese items, which are a list of all parts used in this video sequence.


Thissite includes video lectures from IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, IIScBangalore, etc. These videos talk about everything in electronics, fromsemiconductor to VLSI data conversion circuits and digital electronics. So dospend some time on these tutorials to deep dive into your favourite subject.

4. Circuits &Electronics 6.002x

6.002x(Circuits and Electronics) is an experimental on-line adaptation of MIT’s firstundergraduate analog design course: 6.002. This course is running, free ofcharge, for students worldwide.


Thewebsite claims to be the easiest, fastest way to learn basic electronics. Nosign-up requirements and it is free. The menu table here provides easy accessto many interesting electronics topics. Print the menu table so you can checkoff the items as you study them and track your progress. You can enhance,expand and speed your learning by purchasing some of the book selectionsmentioned below. Take your time and enjoy.


Thewebsite covers detailed video lectures on topics ranging from microprocessorsand microcontrollers to VLSI circuits and wireless communication.

7. Open LearningInitiative

CarnegieMellon's Open Learning Initiative (OLI) offers courses in a wide range ofdisciplines. Technical courses include engineering statistics, mediaprogramming, principles of computing and secure coding. Carnegie Mellon's OLIhad had 10,000 students enrolled in 2011. In addition to lectures, the websiteoffers resources like learning activities, quizzes and itemized lists ofobjectives. Like most of these websites, there is no interaction withinstructors, nor are course credits or certificates offered.

8. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT)

TheMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Open Courseware (OCW) website has2,100 free courses online using a combination of lecture notes, audio and videoresources. Engineering courses cover just about every discipline, fromaeronautics and astronautics to mechanical engineering and nuclear science.

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