Wednesday, 26 February 2014

How to protect your laptop from theft.

How to protect your laptop from theft.

Modern laptops and tablets are light, compactand available to a mass consumer. It has come to that point when peoplebringdevices with them even when they are on holidays, or eating in a cafĂ©. Atthese moments users usually lack some concentration and it may lead to a theftor a simple loss of a gadget. If your device runs under iOS, then you can relyon a built-in anti-theft system. The owners of Android Devices need to install third-party software to protecttheir gadgets. Butif you have a laptop or a tablet on Windows, then you may experience someproblems with the attempts to locate your device. In case you want to protectyour laptop or tablet you may consider installing the following Software

LaptopLock: Under Lock and Key

   Despitethe fact that a lot of “anti-theft” programs require hidden integration withoperating system, there’re still some more compromise solutions. LaptopLock isan example of such software. First of all you need to register on the officialsite of the program and then install it on your device. All of the settings areavailable on the client side, which means that there’re no hidden options thatmay influence the performance of the program. During its work software doesn’t needInternet connection, in case of a theft all scenarios are programmed locally.The program uses Internet only for sending messages about a theft from a remoteserver. It should be noticed that LaptopLock is intended for data protection inthe first turn. In case of a theft you can encrypt or delete either all data ordata in certain folders. Alternatively, you may launch some app or script on astolen device.

Prey: Hunter and Prey

Configurationof this program consists of two steps. Firstly you need to install a client ona local computer, and then you register on the official site. You won’t theicon of the app on your laptop, but it doesn’t mean that the program is notrunning, as all the data are available on the site. From your online panel youcan activate the device tracking system which will track your device via GPS orWi-Fi. Also, you can learn the   IP address of your gadgetsatany time when its connected to the Internet.

Adeona: Open Solution

A lot of commercial programs fortheft-protection use open data transfer to their servers via global network(and above mentioned programs as well) which may potentially lead to the leakof personal data. This is where Adeona differs from other programs. It usespowerful encrypting algorithms for data transfer. A thief can turn off theprogram only by deleting all data from a drive or by disconnecting from theInternet. But even a couple of seconds of Internet connection will be enough toget useful data about your device. It’s also worth noticing that the programuses open source code which allows you to make sure that there’re no loop holesin the software (or alternatively, you can modify it according to your specificneeds). 

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